VELES Excellence Hub, a dynamic consortium aimed at accelerating innovation excellence in smart healthcare, proudly announces its official launch starting on June 1st, 2023. With a focus on the widening countries of Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, and Cyprus, VELES...
Certificate of Participation to X-eHealth Hackathon for chronic disease management
Between June 7th and June 9th, X-eHealth hosted a Hackathon for chronic disease management, by videoconference. eHealthLab of the Computer Science Department of the University of Cyprus and 3AE Health LTD participated under the eHealth4U (Integrated National EHR...
CWSPI 2022
Dr. Marios Neofytou and Dr. Andreas Panayides from 3AHealth were co-organizers to the 14th Cyprus Workshop on 14th Cyprus Workshop on Signal Processing and Informatics (CWSPI) on the 13th of July 2022 in Nicosia. The overall objective of CWSPI 2022 was to...
CWSPI 2021
3AHealth was the co-sponsor of the 13th Cyprus Workshop on Signal Processing and Informatics (CWSPI) . The overall objective of CWSPI 2021 was to disseminate new research results in several areas and help establish industry, university, and multi-university...
Certificate of Innovative Enterprise
We are happy to announce that 3AE Health LTD is certified as an Innovative Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) by the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy.
Biomedica on the Move
Join us at Biomedica on the Move on 8th October 2020. 3AHealth is participating in the Virtual Matchmaking event organized by the LIEGE Universite and the Enterprise Europe Network. More information can be found in